This skill maybe purchased multiple times.
Requires 20 XP spent in the skill group "Martial" per purchase
Requires one of the following Earth Level 3 or Celestial Level 3 as a prerequisite.
Fighter | Scout | Rogue | Adept | Scholar | Spellsword | Artisan |
5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 |
LP, Meditatable
You may, once per LP per purchase, expend a spell from memory to attack once for "Spell Strike <Spell>"; if the attack misses, both the spell and this Skill may be Meditated back separately. The spell may not be higher than 1st level; every 25 Martial XP lets you Spell Strike 1 higher level, requiring 25 XP for a 2nd level and 200 XP for a 9th.
If used for a Necromantic spell, the spell counts as three levels lower than it is.