

This skill maybe purchased multiple times.

Requires Herbal Lore as a prerequisite.

Fighter Scout Rogue Adept Scholar Spellsword Artisan
6 5 3 4 4 6 3

LP, Production

This Skill allows the character to create non-magical Elixirs, poisons, oils, and solvents. For each time Alchemy is bought, the character gets one Alchemy PP as detailed in the "Production Skills" section. This Skill also allows a character to exchange Alchemy PPs for Artificing

Alchemy cannot be used to determine the presence of an Alchemical substance or magical Potion in a creature's bloodstream.

To utilize an Alchemy Globe (Packet) requires at least three ranks of Alchemy.

Name Cost (PP) Types
Alchemical Solvent 1 Contact
Cure Wounds 1 Elixir
Intoxicate 1 Elixir
Liquid Light 1 Contact
Paranoia 2 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Hallucinate 2 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Oil of Slipperiness 3 Contact
Paste of Stickiness 3 Contact
Vorpal Coating 5 3 Contact
Weakness 3 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Antidote 4 Elixir
Poison Shield 4 Elixir
Cleanse 5 Elixir
Blast Globe 5 Globe
Enfeeble 6 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Sleep 6 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Charm 7 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Vorpal Coating 10 8 Contact
Paralysis 8 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Amnesia 9 Elixir
Berserk 9 Contact, Elixir, Alchemy Globe
Enslavement Antidote 9 Elixir
Euphoria Antidote 9 Elixir
Vorpal Coating 20 10 Contact

General Artificing

Name Artificing Cost Prerequisites/Limitations
Artifice Link2
Artisanal Batch4
Copy Schematic410 ranks of the Copied Schematics’ Skill
Double Batch1
- Triple Batch3
- Quadruple Batch6
- Quintuple Batch10
Efficient Batch2
Exchange15 ranks of the Production Skill used in this benefit
Field Crafting2
Formal Artificing210 XP in Trades
Formal Genius1 or 4
Philosophize320 ranks of the Production Skill used in this benefit
Salvage15 ranks of the Production Skill used in this benefit
Transmogrify110 ranks of the Production Skill used in this benefit

Alchemy Artificing

Name Artificing Cost Prerequisites/Limitations
Distill15 ranks of Alchemy
Panacea615 ranks of Alchemy
Reflux620 ranks of Alchemy
Reliable Alchemy410 ranks of Alchemy
Weave55 ranks of Alchemy