Planar Gate

Ritual #:
Ritual Aspect:
Casting Time:
5 Minutes
Treasure Policy Exempt:
NPC Only:
May be Extended:
Target Spirit:
Target Body:
Target Location:
Target Item:

Ritual Description:

This Ritual will cause a 10 foot x 10 foot gate to open between the area it is cast in and a random area on the chosen Plane. The Gate will allow passage in both directions but confers no ability to survive a hostile environment in the chosen Plane. On occasion, “base items” may be found which can serve to Target the other end of the Gate to a particular location. Any Spirit that travels through the gate and completes their death count on the other side will automatically shift back to their Plane of Origin to Resurrect; this may or may not be the Plane from which they entered the gate. This shift upon death occurs whether the Gate is still open or not. This Ritual will last for 10 minutes per level of Celestial Formal Rank possessed by the primary Caster of the Ritual (plus any applicable Formal Linked ranks).

A person may not be on both sides of the Gate. As soon as they break the Plane of the Gate on one side they will shift across to the other side. Combat is impossible from one side of the Gate to the other, and vision is limited and often completely impossible.

In addition to the standard effect listed above, the Ritual allows the Caster to impose ONE of the following effects on the Planar Gate by expending the optional Catalyst in addition to the standard Reagent cost:\n * Time Locked - the Planar Gate only functions from 6am to 6pm OR 6pm to 6am (a REFUGE Day or a REFUGE Night).\n * Planar Asylum - The Caster may Target 1 individual per 10 levels of Formal Magic they possess to receive a Planar Asylum for the Targeted Plane of the Planar Gate. The Target(s) must be in the Circle of Power at the time of casting. The Planar Asylum will last until the Planar Gate Ritual ends by any means or until Destroyed as the Planar Asylum Ritual on the Target character. This is a Celestial Effect.\n * Directional - the Planar Gate will only allow travel in one direction (From the Plane or To the Plane) chosen by the Caster at the time of casting.\n * Keyed Gate - the Caster must supply a physical representation of a Key which attunes to the Gate. The Key cannot already be a magical item and cannot be made into a magical item while it is attuned to the gate. The Key can still be broken or shattered. Only characters holding the Key are able to pass through the Gate (in either direction). Once opened via a Key the Gate remains open for 5 seconds allowing the Key Holder to bring additional companions along during that time. The Gate will only unlock if the Key Holder breaks its boundary - i.e. the Holder of the Key must physically pass through the Gate to open it. The Gate cannot be prematurely shut.\n * Dispellable - the Caster may, at any time from either Plane, touch the Gate rep and state “I close this Gate” at which time the Planar Gate Ritual immediately ends. Once ended the Caster CANNOT re-open the same Planar Gate - a new Ritual must be performed. Valid Planes include the Secondary (“local”) Elemental Planes (but may not be limited to) Elemental Fire, Elemental Air, Elemental Water, Elemental Earth, Elemental Life, Elemental Death, Elemental Order, or Elemental Chaos. Additional Planes may be available at the discretion of the local Plot Team, but never include Primary Elemental Planes..

Out of Game: The Ritual Caster must supply a phys rep for the gate with clearly defined sides.

Difficulty and Reagents

Reagent Cost: